The project is divided into six Work Packages (WPs), the first of which (WP1) covers scientific coordination
of the project.
WP2: Methodology for release evaluation (coordinated by: TRACTEBEL, Belgium).
This Work Package will include a review of the state-of-knowledge, including a review of available methodologies
for release evaluation of computer codes and of available experimental data. The advantages of new codes and models
developed in the course of the project relative to evaluating releases in the scenarios under consideration will be
also assessed by comparing the software codes used to model accident sequences at the start and at the end of the project.
Finally, uncertainties on best estimate evaluations will also be quantified and the different methodologies for release
evaluation harmonized
WP3: Loss-Of-Coolant Accident (coordinated by: IRSN, France).
This Work Package aims to improve the different simulation tools and models used to analyze to the LOCA transients
and to evaluate the corresponding releases. It will focus on modeling fuel rod cladding failure and calculating the
quantity of failed cladding in the reactor core, evaluating releases of fission products into the RCS and their transport
to the environment.
WP4: Steam Generator Tube Rupture (coordinated by: EK, Hungary).
In parallel to WP3, this Work Package will focus on the models and simulation tools used to
analyze the SGTR transients in the event of failed fuel rods and evaluate the corresponding releases.
It will also focus on modeling the iodine peak activity released from failed fuel rods into the RCS, on the behavior
of iodine in the degraded SG and its release into the environment, and on secondary hydriding phenomena of failed
rod cladding and its potential embrittlement after water ingress via the primary defect.
WP5: Innovation (coordinated by: EDF, France).
This Work Package will focus on the development of innovative accident management technology and methods and on
studying the behavior of new, advanced technology fuels, so-called Accident Tolerant Fuel with a view to reducing the radiological consequences of the accident scenarios under consideration. This will entail studies on advanced instrumentation technology designed to improve our understanding of the reactor state and the operator's management of the subsequent accident, innovative methods and aids for the diagnosis and prognosis of accidents based on Artificial Intelligence and, last, studies on advanced fuel technology designed for enhanced behavior in LOCA accident scenarios.
WP6: Communication, outreach and training (coordinated by: ENEA, Italy).
This Work Package covers internal and external communication regarding project results, as well as organizing
international workshops for the wider scientific community, coordinating a group of end users, organizing knowledge
sharing between the different organizations, and training through research for young researchers and students, primarily
through thesis work.